Friday, November 2, 2007

Daphne Eats

I am working to feed my daughter Daphne solid foods now. I am basically trying to give her whatever it is that I am eating as long as it doesn't have any meat, eggs, grains or dairy in it. This is pretty simple because we tend to eat a lot of vegetables in our house these days.

Here are some of the foods I have fed her recently:

Tomato Soup
Potato Soup
French Fry (ok that was only as an emergency)
Sweet Potato

Any food my baby eats will be made by hand by me. I take pride in the fact that there is no reason that I need to buy food from a store in a jar. Look at all the crap that gets put in those jars. No sir no way!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Peanut Butter Cookies

I made peanut butter cookies for Jared and I for Halloween. I was going to make oatmeal cookies, but Jared decided that he needed peanut butter cookies. I am all for anything with peanuts in it, so I jumped on the bandwagon. The dough was SO tasty, and I only realized just before cooking that I had left the eggs out of the recipe. I discovered why eggs are needed in baked foods. The dough is still better, and I managed to save some, so I am eating it now, and it if FAR better than the cookies every could have been.

For Why Do We Carve Pumpkins

And I asked myself yesterday while toiling away trying to carve one of the three blind mice on my pumpking, for why do we carve pumpkins. And as I too the lid off the pumpkin and saw all the seeds inside, I suddenly understood. We carve pumpkins to roast their seeds with sugar and spice and everything nice!

Happy Halloween! I hope you put your pumpkin seeds to good use!